Did you know that a poor credit score can prevent you from getting a car, a home or apartment, insurance, a cell phone or even a job? Hamilton Credit Repair can help protect your rights under the law in order to improve your credit score.

We help consumers remove questionable negative items from their credit reports including:

  • Collections
  • Late Payments
  • Charge Offs

Consumer studies have shown 79% of all credit reports contain errors and many of these errors are serious enough to cause consumers to be denied access to credit and favorable interest rates.

Most consumers don't understand the complicated consumer credit rating system and their rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Fortunately, Hamilton Credit Repair makes it simple and stress-free by providing a personalized service that guides you through the process of restoring your credit score. We are also affiliated with attorneys that can assist clients in the Credit Repair area, as well as with other important issues that can affect you score such as bankruptcy, foreclosure defense, loan modifications, creditor collections, and more.

Send Us Your Credit File
Getting started is simple! Just send your 3 Bureau Credit Report to Hamilton Credit Repair so we can review your credit file and current score and schedule a free personalized face-to-face consultation to set up your account

Identify Negative Items and Disputes
Hamilton Credit Repair will analyze your credit reports and identify the negative items that may be lowering your score. You can choose the items you wish to have modified or removed including any and all outdated, inaccurate, misleading, or unverifiable (questionable) items whereafter we will work with you to create a customized payment plan. A monthly payment installment will be charged every 30 days for the work performed the month prior. You will only be charged for items that are removed or reported positive.

Initial Dispute Correspondence
Hamilton Credit Repair will prepare and send out the first round of dispute letters and correspondence on your behalf to the Credit Bureaus, and/ or Creditors. Only after this initial starting process has been completed, will Hamilton Credit Repair begin charging you.

Receive Responses
The Bureaus and/or Creditors will respond to the Disputes by mail. All responses and correspondence from Credit Bureaus and Creditors should be copied and forwarded to Hamilton Credit Repair so we can update your case and continue the credit restoration process.

Follow-Up and Escalation
Items that have not been removed after the initial communications are marked for further follow-up and escalation. We will pursue more aggressive tactics to remove more difficult items. In the event an unverified item is not removed, in some cases, we will refer you to an attorney who will pursue legal action on your behalf against the credit bureaus.

Full Credit Restoration
After removing all negative and questionable items from your credit report, your credit rating will be restored to reaching its full potential.

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consumer credit repair Did you know that a poor credit score can prevent you from getting a car, a home or apartment, insurance, a cell phone or even a job?
Hamilton Credit Repair can help protect your rights under the law in order to improve your credit score.

Credit Repair Financial Services
© 2011 Hamilton Credit Repair, Inc. All rights Reserved.
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